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I have worked as an editor, reviewer and educator for 22 years in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. I have an affinity for writing and reviewing and have received formal training in technical writing and editing. My list of clients includes businesses, consulting companies, academic and research institutes and private individuals (school/university students). I edit and review reports, papers, theses, grant proposals, dissertations, essays, journals articles, posters and books (both fiction and non-fiction). I offer advice on content, technical merit, scientific accuracy, grammar, spelling, syntax, language, formatting, citations and references and overall comprehension.
The author of a document is responsible for clearly explaining their work; even something as simple as grammar, used incorrectly, can lead to the misunderstanding of information. In my experience, poor writing can conceal positive aspects of an otherwise good document. It is vital that your document is well written and professionally presented; your written word is, after all, the only part of you the reader sees.
As an editor and reviewer, I recognise how critical this [professional] image is; I can assist you in strengthening your image by offering a fresh and impartial assessment of your work.
As an educator, I recognise that the editing process is a very dynamic one; each draft of a document is an improvement on that which came before it. If you are willing to learn, we can work together to produce a document that reflects your interests and intellect and enhances your ability.